guardiansofearth. ca is a network of community service volunteers that care about the Earth and all of its species! We do many things including helping to clean up wildlife habitats & communities!
We are also a national network think tank that puts effort into science and discovery of fundemental issues that are effecting human and wild life habitats in effect to build common knowledge and procure good living!
We first started operating in 2018 in Calgsry, Alberta founded by Crislen Barnicea. Today we have members all across Canada.
You can contribute by donating to our group by clicking here or contact us with tips and tricks for sustainable liviing articles and facts on issues welcome for site submision.
Donations go to cover the costs of clean ups and web site hosting and developement and when we can we will donate to larger causes and individual projects as they arise and funding becomes avaialble.
Environemental safety is our common goal and we also work on projects that bring technology and other ideas to the developement stage. Donations help with those expences, as well legal and court fees are all covered by donation and group fundraising.
We hope to streamline a nice high resolution logo and letter head for 2025 and will be selling T shirts and memorabilia to help raise funds and awarness!