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guardiansofearth.ca is a proud supporter of voluntererism! 

Our services include research for the purpose of intellectual motivation of community idealism regarding ways of life and the conveyance of that wisdom into earthlings through the building of those medias such as special events and cool, safe, activities to do with your friends! Putting all together are a national group of volunteers that are driven by motivators of primitive binding things like money or ego but we are volunteers motivated by the greater good for all that come from taking care of the earth and all its species of; plants, bug, birds, animals, trees and wildlife including man kind and all its persons of all walks of life! If you are a rich person with no time to volunteer than you have no time to trully live so get out and do something trully enjoyable and volunteer with a guardiansofearth.ca organized event or group near you contact us for details!


We also provide leadership and try to promote good living and activities that bring healthy sustainable environments and attitudes!  


We also do local community services such as garbage and community clean ups and post warnings and create literature regarding products and business that are significantly harmful to the environment!


Come start the conversation or jump right in and volunteer with us! Contact us to join our mailing list!